For cheaper shipping, check out the section “Group Orders”!

Terms & Conditions


Shipping prices and dates are dependent on your country (visible during checkout), and whether or not you are purchasing through Group Orders. Packages may take longer to arrive due to variables outside of 611MART's control.

All products are subject to strict quality control, and carefully handled by our packing team. 611MART is not liable for any damage to packages once they are shipped from our warehouse.


NOTE: If you are purchasing a gift for a friend, family member, or homoerotic rival/enemy, please put down a name that will ensure the recipient can accept the package smoothly! 

Taxes & Tariffs

All taxes and tariffs are the responsibility of the customer, and 611MART is not liable for any unforeseen expenses that result from changes in government policies, international trade agreements, etc.


All sales are final and non-refundable, and we are unable to provide exchanges.

Customer Support

Emails will be answered within 1 to 3 business days. Please check the FAQ before asking to see if your question has been answered there. Any abuse or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, and will result in blacklisting.


By purchasing a product from 611MART, you are agreeing to the above terms. 

Thanks for your support!